
Showing posts from February, 2009


To be honest, I was not sleepless. Although I do have trouble sleeping from time to time but when it's a reasonable hour I would get tired as well. I really respect other people's living style is different from me, but as long as you don't bother me or interrupt my sleep I just don't care. This couple living next door is really getting on my nerve in the past 2 weeks. Yes, every single night in the past 2 weeks. Stay up late to play computer games is one thing but is it necessary to turn the speaker volume so high? They could play and play until 2 or 3am, and scream so loud when they get excited! Oh gosh! I thought people who live in this building are all civilized, how come they cannot be more considerated and keep their voice down late at night? Last night it happened AGAIN and it was worst! They first started to play the SAME computer game which is Mahjong (I couldn't help to notice coz of the speakers) and it was already pasted midnight. They were laug

Hong Kong V.2

Sorry for keep everyone waiting for Hong Kong V.2, as I said in my previous piece of blog, I've been lazy :p This time I would like to introduce a good place to see and eat "Temple Street", it's located in Yau Ma Tei. If you take the MTR, you can get off at Yau Ma Tei station and look for the exit C. Or you can take any bus which will go to Nathan Road, you let the driver knows you wanna head to Temple Street, I'm sure the driver will be more than happy to tell you where to get off the bus :) So what you can see at Temple Street? Obviously "Tin Hau Temple", otherwise it won't name it as Temple Street... hehe.. other than that, you can see in the picture it's very famous coz of the night life. I would suggest you to make a visit to Mido Cafe for a late afternoon tea, then you can experience Temple Street before and after sun set. You can't miss Mido Cafe if you go to Temple Street, because not many of these old style cafes left in HK now. Alt


Now I have all the time I can use but this freedom only makes me even more lazy than before. I just don't feel like to do anything or go anywhere. This is not a good sign at all. I've been to another 3 interviews in the past week, I thought we had a really good chat at that time but ended up I don't get any reply from them. What went wrong? I'm too old? I'm not good enough? My expected salary was too high? I would really appreciate if they could at least tell me what went wrong or why I was not qualified for the position. Then I could work on that and do better in my next interview. Sigh... now I'm really lost, what else I could do? Luckily, I'm still able to do private tuitoring for little kids. I've done that before and I should be able to pick that up now. Kids nowadays are so poor, parents start to push them to take different classes and hire tuitors to give them lessons almost everyday after school. Ironically, that makes me have a chanc

Feeling lost

I know I have lots of support from friends and love ones so I shouldn't feel this way, but sorry I can't help it. I have trouble sleeping well every night, it's not that I don't feel tired but I can't seem to convince my mind to rest with me. When the light is out, I close my eyes and all sorts of images and thoughts flying around in my mind. Seeing my honey sleeping so deep like a baby makes my heart ache even more. I know his job is not easy as well but because of me he has to hang in there as long as he could. I know his work is stressful and crazy working hours make him so exhausted every night when he gets home. All I could do is to make him dinner no matter how late he's coming home. I don't know how long this situation is going to last, I hate this uncertainty in my life. I hate this negative energy arounds me. I hate things are out of my control. I hate there's not much I could do. I hate being miserable. I hate... I'm always the po

Hong Kong V.1

A dear friend of mine is coming to HK with her family in March and asking where are the good places to go. I believe when you search the internet about HK, places like Disney Land, Ocean Park and places to eat, etc. Funny thing is, I haven't been to Disney Land Hong Kong myself :p Honestly, I would rather go to Ocean Park coz it's bigger and more to see. The admission for adult is HKD208 and HKD103 for child, as for Disney Hong Kong, admission for adult is HKD295-350 and HKD210-250 for child. So really depends on your preference, if you prefer to see the dolphins, sea jelly, the Chinese Sturgeon Aquarium and the cute pandas, Ocean Park would be the best choice. Everytime I go to the Ocean Park, I have to plan my route beforehand coz it's too big and I have to give up all those highland rides if I wanna visit every single aquarium and shows. I love the dolphins show the most, I like the way they swim and can't believe how high they can jump out of the water. Sea Jelly Sp

My Star Sign

LEO WOMAN "She will stand out of the crowd on the street. Leo woman normally tall or rather tall. You will hardly see a short thick woman. When she walks she walk like a queen, confident and does not look around, though as if there is no one around her. She will dress in her own style not according to fashion. She is confident of what she choose to wear. Do not buy cheap cloths where they sell in dozen for her as a gift, she will hate it. Also do not buy cloths that do not reflect her confident personality. She likes unique and strange cloths and accessories. Being different is what she loves. If you want to know her, take times and be patient because she is selective about people she mingles with. She's open minded, but yet she is not letting people get to close to her easily. She likes sweet words and compliments, but not too much. She smiles with anyone, but inside she thinks she is borne to be a leader. She likes to be in control because it is in her nature instinct. She i

Hoping for a Brand New Start

I used to love writing very much, I kept myself a diary and a blog on Friendster. Just forgot since when I have stopped writing, it's like suddenly something missing and I lost the ability to write non stop. I still remember I promised a friend (who's now my bf :p) I'll write 400 words about him in my blog, and it ended up 1000 words. That was me in the past, just give me a topic I can keep writing and writing. Sometimes, it's just a simple thought came through my mind and I would like to share with my friends. In the past 2 months, I felt like it's a turning point in my life. I was out of a job, feeling so lost and don't know what I could do. I felt like I've fallen down into a black hole and it's no ending. It was very scary indeed, actually I still feel the same until now. I've asked God for directions so many times and at one point I thought he has given up on me, simply because I'm still in the middle of nowhere. I know I shouldn't have