Start again!

I like this idea 'Start Again!' Although you know you two have been together for years and since living together for some time also make it hard to do.  It would be much easier if the two person don't live together, and can start all the dating and phone chating.  Most importantly, it requires the two person willing to do this all over again.

And I have to thanks my sweetie (you know who) wrote me a long email to share with me her experience.  I'm glad that I'm loved and cared by so many, and I have to thank God who listens to my prayers.  He granted me an answer and I'm happy to follow.

I have to quote what my sweetie had wrote and I totally agree.

"When I was loss and do not have any answer, I remember the bible verse that says, when I was weak, I was made strong by God. I asked God to give me the strength, the patience and the love.. to protect and keep this relationship going, even when I dunno for sure at that moment, if the partner I have was the right one during that point. We have come so far, and God has brought us through many challenges. even if we are wrong, God couldn't have been that wrong to bring us through to where we are today."

After all these time, after what we've been through, we shouldn't give that all up like that.  But both parties gotta have the same goal and willing to work together, holding hands and walk along the rest of the path. 


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