Is it really meant to be?

Don't you feel sick and tired of 'Cold War'? Why people never learn to cherish what they have around them?  Do people always have to be the 'Winner' in a relationship?  Does it really matter?  Is that so important to some people?  What if that is the last thing you are going to say or that is the last time you are going to see that person?  Will you regret that? Or people simply don't care as they're just so proud and they rather die with their 'PRIDE'.

I thought give it time, people will learn or at least realise how fortunate they are.  At least I've learnt from life, from others and from my own past experience.  When I see from the news there are couples quarrel and fight with each other, or even hurt each other.  I would ask a question 'Were they in love once?  There must be something between them to bring the two of them together.  But what makes them change and want to kill each other instead?  If they look back how they fell in love in the first place and all the happy memories, probably things will be different.'  Coz I do that and this is why I'm still in it after all these time.

However, I have to admit that I maybe wrong!

I never pray to God that I want people to change for me, instead, I pray to make myself to be more considerate and to compromise...all because of 'Love'.  As I always remember how it begins, the process, what we've been through.  It was me who insisted not to give up when someone wanted to be 'out' of it.  I do sometimes wonder what if... Yes, what if... how things will be turned out?

When I was younger, I always said to my friends I'll end up dying alone with my cat.  My friends would ask why? And said I'm silly and I'll definitely find someone I love and he loves me.   Coz I had really bad temper and I was always 'Right' in the relationship. But my first two relationships all last for 6 years.  I think I was really lucky to have boyfriends like that who could stand my temper and loved me that long.  So I would think maybe I've used up that kind of luck and would end up having bad relationship or even no one would love me and grow old with me.

Although I'm not a very good Christian all along but I do rely on God to lead my life and to make decision for me. I always believe that things happen for a reason. If something meant to be happened, it'll happen. So whatever or whoever I come across in life, it's all planned well for me.  I always thank Him for giving me chance, like my job (I was jobless once), my relationship (I had a few bad relationships until I met someone who made me think 'This is it!')

Today I really wonder... 'Is it really meant to be?' I know I shouldn't question God for anything, but this time please grant me the answer. 

If you truely love someone, you won't yell and scold that person.  You will have all your patient for that person, you won't lose your temper easily, you won't raise your voice and you wouldn't want to stop talking to that person or even treat that person like a complete stranger.  You only do that when there is no 'Love' and you have only 'Hate'.  There were times I got really frustrated and I would lose control, scream and cry for hours.  But I've learnt and changed coz that's not me at all! I hate seeing myself in that way. What have I done to deserve being treated that way? 

So now I would simply stop talking, wonder maybe this is God's plan for me to prepare myself to be all alone again one day.  Or.. 'It really is meant to be?'

Who can give me the answer?


  1. I believe, with love, anger will not dissappear. But without love or a tinge of care for that person, one probably wouldn't even get angry. Cold wars are good at times for both or either party to cool down and prevent further angry or hurtful words to be said especially during that moment of heat. But of course, not too good to be too long either. For, there are definitely ups and downs in a relationship, and communications (I believe), will help bridge the understanding between both parties, and hence, strengthens the respect and love we will have for each other and for the relationship we hold...


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