My one and only baby!

My One & Only Baby Boy

17 Nov 1998 ~ 27 Jul 2009

Saw you with the other kittens in a cage inside a pet shop. The shopkeeper encouraged me to open the cage and played around with you guys. You're the first one walked towards me when I opened the cage. You're the only playful one among the rest. You caught my eyes right away. I held you in my arms and you didn't try to get away. You kept sniffing and exploring everything in the store, that feeling was still so strong and that first impression still very clear in my mind. At that very moment I just knew, I didn't want to put you back to the cage ever again, because 'You're mine!'

Remember I first called you 'Tiger' because of the way you walk and the beautiful pattern of yours, but you seemed didn't quite respond to that name. I forgot since when you started to respond to me calling you 'Baby', I knew it's a common name but couldn't help to call you that as I felt like you're the baby of my own. Every little movement of yours was so cute. Whenever I called your name, you'd run to me straight away. You're quite a naughty boy back then, curious about everything in the house and running around with your little brother 'Siu Siu'. I remember the first time Siu Siu scratched your eye in a fight, I was so sad and worried. After taking you to the vet you came back with a plastic helmet which you hate the most but we found that hilarious. You kept walking backward and couldn't sleep probably so I had to hold you in my arms and rocked you to sleep.
I also remember the first time brought you two to the park. Both of you were so scared of the people and noises. You kept trying to hide underneath my cloth. On the way home, we let you two followed us back. There was a big dog walking towards us with his owner. Siu Siu climbed right up on the tree but you did not run away. The dog started to sniff you and all of the sudden, you scratched his nose and the poor dog cried. We had to say sorry to the owner for your bad behaviour but deep inside I was so proud of you. The two of you have grown so big so quickly and apart from those silly fighting, we enjoyed to see the bonding moment of yours as well.

You loved to be cleaned and fresh. You'd spend long time to clean up yourself. You always helped Siu Siu & Siu Sun to clean their heads. You loved to sleep on my pillow right above my head, you'd put your little paw on my forehead or had your tail cover my face. You liked to chase any moving things like strings, balls, flying insects, especially my hand or feet under the duvet. It was so funny watching you jumping from one side of the bed to the other. You always jumped higher than Siu Siu, you could get on the top of the wardrobe easily while Siu Siu always got stuck climbing up. You loved to join us for dinner, you either sat on my laps or stood beside me to wait for your food. You used to love chicken and broccoli but not anymore when you're back to Hong Kong.
I always wonder if you have a clock inside your body. How did you know when I'd wake up for work? You always woke me up on time, waited for me to put on my bathrobe, then put your paws on my chest and jumped into my arms. You loved to sleep close to me, you loved to be carried around in the house, you loved to do punching exercise on my tummy, you loved to smell my long hair, you loved people to talk to you in a gentle voice, you loved to put your paws into our slippers, you loved standing by the windows to enjoy the view, you loved to sit on the magazine or newspapers I was reading, you loved to scratch your head with my pen whenever I was writing, you loved to lay your head on the keyboard while I was typing. You loved to do all that just because you loved all the attention! You always be the first one to eat, the first one to use the freshly cleaned toilet, the first one to tuck into the clean pile of laundry, the first one to check our shopping bags, the first one to check what we're eating, the first one to check out our guests.

I love your big round eyes, I love your brown tabby pattern, I love to play 'Give me five' with your little paws, I love the way you rely on me, I love you always wait by the door no matter how late I get home. I love the way you smell, I love your soft coat especially the white bit under your chin, I love the way you show how handsome you are, I love to hear you purr so loud like the speaker was on, I love the way you look at me, I love the way you pull my hand to you, I love the way you pad my shoulder to tell me that you want to be held, I love the way you tilt you head to kiss me, I love the way you stand up and reach out for your snack drawer, I love the way you respond to me, I love how crazy you were taking catnip, I love to hold you to sleep, I love you even though you only got one eye left, I love you even though you're seriously ill, I love you even though you couldn't move at all, I love you even though you couldn't control your pee & poo poo anymore. I love everything about you... I just LOVE YOU!
I thought I was well prepared for that but in fact, it's really hard for me to face it. I was doing okay during the day but when I sat on the bed at night I couldn't control my tears anymore. I could still smell and feel you in my bed. Touching the

spot you used to sleep on made my heart aching badly, mom asked if I wanted to change my beddings I said no. I was afraid that I'll forget how you smell forever. You used to sleep with me all the time, taking up all the space but I did not mind. You used to wait for me to get home and welcomed me back. You used to jump up and catch the snack with your paws. You used to look at me while I was talking to you. You used to stop me kissing you too much with your paws. You used to curled up on my lap whenever I sit down. You used to hide inside my cloth or bathrobe in winter. You used to wake me up by kissing me or rang the bell which I hang on the door. You used to play 'Hide & Seek' with me and no one on earth would believe that you know how to play.

There are so many things reminding me of you. Life is different now. I still wake up early because that's the time I prepared breakfast for you. The house has become so quiet now, no more you running around, can't see you sleeping on the table, no more you jumping on my laps suddenly, no more you making noise outside my room to let you in. When I called out Baby, you won't come to me anymore. When I say 'Kiss Kiss', you won't tilt your head to kiss me anymore. You'll never hear me say 'Baby No!' ever again.

Baby, my baby! Thankyou for the time you've spent with me. Thankyou for showing your love to me. Thankyou for being you, such a special cat. Thankyou for being so lovable that you'd catch everyone's eyes. Thankyou for being so attached and so affectionate to me. Thankyou for hanging in there for me even though you're in pain. Thankyou for giving me so many wonderful and unforgettable memories. I have to thank God for sending you to me. My love will always be with you wherever you are. I wish you to be free and happy in God's hands. There'll be no other cat like you. You'll always be 'My One & Only Baby Boy'.

With All My Love!

**Million Kisses & Hugs!**


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